free online resources for learning different languages

         I tried to gather here all the materials I used or I stumbled upon since I’ve started learning languages. I didn’t save everything and even if now it’s only a small list, I hope it will grow in time so that we can find here all we need to start an experience with results. Please feel free to comment with links/ resources you are using to learn languages, so I can add them on the list!

          Thanks to the ones who posted on their blog and shared information! Good luck and enjoy the journey!




– Babbel
– Duolingo
– Memrise
– Italki
– Omniglot
– Rype
– Busuu
– Fluentin3months
– BBC languages
– MIT Global studies and languages
– Ethnologue
– Iknow
– Forvo | words pronounced by natives
– Lang-8
– Word2word | a list with resources
C4LPT  | learning resources
– Mimicmethod
ThoughtCo | lifelong learnin

Work online

Systran | translator
Ivona | text to speech
Languagetool | spell checker


     You can find on “Polyglot in 10 days! – Poliglot în 10 zile! “, my Youtube channel, playlists for learning multiple languages.
Pod101 (great channels for many languages, this is for Italian)
Aprender Ingles: 600 frases en Ingles para principiantes
Educação Ativa Idiomas
Luca Lampariello
Audio languages
Polyglot conference
Vladimir Skultety
Steve Kaufmann- lingosteve
Easy languages
Learn Swedish
Education World
[LL] Language Learning
Polyglot Pablo


     About how, why we should learn foreign languages & not only:
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