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Fragilitatea, frumusețea, vulnerabilitatea și căldura sufletească pot coexista cu toată paleta de abilități, indiferent de[...]
🏅 POSTER PREMIAT ✅ Romanian Robotic & Metabolic Surgery Days 📌 Bucharest 2024 Tehnica de realizare[...]
👩🏻💼Romanian Robotic & Metabolic Surgery Days – Congresul Național de Chirurgie Robotică 📌 Bucharest, 2024[...]
Life cradles us, as we learn to navigate emotions. Waves are beautiful heartbeats… but nobody[...]
Instead of controlling how others perceive us, dimming our true selves to be loved and[...]
Nimic din ce putem vedea și considerăm al nostru nu este ceea ce suntem în[...]
What blooms in the garden of our heart? How much water do we need?[...]
We can only meet others as deep as we dare to meet our shadows.[...]
I think freedom is lived through our choices. Each decision we make must be[...]
Keeping a journal is learning to be true to yourself. Writing is the[...]
This year’s April had a Parisian perfume. EAU Congress – the most important[...]
Humans are like walking libraries or bookstores – the givers or takers of[...]
As you lay under your blanket and the rain knocks on your window,[...]
Din păcate, nu întâlnim constant medici fericiți și echilibrați- medici care au descoperit cum pot[...]
Dintre toate poveștile, cele de dragoste sunt cele mai magice- poate pentru[...]
I will tell you a story about luck and about how you can get lucky.[...]
EUSP scholarships (Scholarships – Uroweb) are amazing opportunities to join the day to day O.R.[...]
I am so thrilled to let you know that the first course on Da Vinci[...]
Time flies by and the more I get into Urology, the more I understand that[...]
Each person has stories about why and how achievement happens, but we often forget that[...]
As you start the exploration of the scientific publishing world with your first manuscript, you[...]
Is surgery for men and nursery for women? Could a female have a successful career[...]
As I started my Urology Residency journey, there was a little chaos in my mind[...]
Where do I start? Start by falling in love with the art of reading and[...]
Leipzig, Germany, January 2020: ESUT offered the chance for “experts and beginners to see the[...]
I have lately heard the phrases in the titles below and it made me think[...]
We found Barcelona full of urologists and let me tell you, EAU and CEM events are[...]
Books are a timeless opportunity to explore the world, allowing us to indulge[...]
All doctors should read new scientific articles from their field on a constant basis to[...]
Putting people in boxes limits our perception and experience of the world. It[...]
This was a hard one! I had my first posters at the Central European Meeting[...]
A few years have passed by, but I always giggle inside when I think about[...]
How much transparency should a doctor offer to a patient? Should we let our[...]
What a stupid question, right? How could someone like Bob accept treatment without knowing[...]
Cleaning our space is an inside job! I’ve realized that we are surrounded by our[...]
I was so happy to find the concept of my craving for a constant development[...]
Such a great opportunity to get your start on laparoscopy! We had 3 days with[...]
6th Meeting of the EAU Section of Uro-Technology in conjunction with the Italian Endourology Association[...]
Loving the international environment and the medical field, I have always been interested to feel[...]
After the princess is rescued by the prince, they start living happily ever after! Well…[...]
Our caretakers and the environment we lived in shaped us by molding patterns of behavior[...]
My adventure to explore through a marathon of Youth Exchanges went on with the same[...]
Choosing your medical specialty it’s hard because there is a broad and diverse offer and[...]
Is a lie always bad or it can be good, too? I[...]
Me: How bad do you wanna come to my graduation? Dad: What do you mean?[...]
Young man: No! Women can’t be leaders! They belong in the kitchen. They[...]
Mom: Come on! Salad. Please take more! Me: Thank you, but… Mom: Please! I made[...]
How does the mind of a creative person work? How it’s the creative spark made?[...]
XYZ: What do you study? Me: Medicine! XYZ: Wow, this must be so hard! How is[...]
How are best decisions made? I think is harder when we have more options because[...]