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Life cradles us, as we learn to navigate emotions. Waves are beautiful heartbeats… but nobody[...]
Instead of controlling how others perceive us, dimming our true selves to be loved and[...]
Nimic din ce putem vedea și considerăm al nostru nu este ceea ce suntem în[...]
What blooms in the garden of our heart? How much water do we need?[...]
We can only meet others as deep as we dare to meet our shadows.[...]
I think freedom is lived through our choices. Each decision we make must be[...]
Keeping a journal is learning to be true to yourself. Writing is the[...]
This year’s April had a Parisian perfume. EAU Congress – the most important[...]
Humans are like walking libraries or bookstores – the givers or takers of[...]
As you lay under your blanket and the rain knocks on your window,[...]