
    Keeping a journal is learning to be true to yourself. Writing is the dance of a squiggle on a page, the perfect balance between the powerful truth and the bravest of them all- creativity. Pencils are like planes, traveling to places that were always out there in the world, but seemed to never exist for us.

    Just like traveling, writing unlocks something in us- a force that appears molded in the people we meet and the experiences life brings. In the end, we bring to life our story- the one that was told to us or the one we dare to write ourselves. The connections will appear, never by chance, but to make it real… as we fit in their own stories too.

    The most beautiful thing we can fight for is to give what we wish to receive and to be what we want to experience! As in life, nothing is black and white if you can read between the lines, there is always a hidden rainbow of emotions behind the magic of tying letters! I dare you to learn the spelling!

Bullet Journal

Discover feminine graphics for inspiration and ideas to reach your potential. Use this BuJo as an action map for your goals:

  • becoming aware of your life pillars, unlocks the ability to create an upgrade 
  • intentional journaling can help you construct yourself and your reality
  • self-leadership: the core of fulfillment in life

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